eg: Memorial Scholarship
eg: Accounting, Nursing, Computer Science
eg: University of Toronto
eg: National Union

Tool and Die Makers

(NOC 7232)


To be a tool and die maker, you usually need a high school education.

To gain trade certification as a tool and die maker, you must either complete a four- or five-year tool and die making apprenticeship program or have a combination of over five years' work experience and some high school, college or industry courses in tool and die making.

Tool and die making trade certification is available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, and British Columbia.

Qualified tool and die makers may also obtain interprovincial (Red Seal) trade certification, which provides job mobility throughout the country.

With experience, you can move up the ranks to become a supervisor.

Many recent entrants have a trade/vocational certificate.

Degrees Associated with This Career

High School Diploma

Useful Experience/Skills

Precision work
3-D visualization

Useful Secondary School Subjects

Industrial Arts (Metalworking)
Blueprint Reading

Modified on January 26, 2022